Search for a Greenspace on your doorstep

Find a greenspace on your doorstep

Our 'Greenspace on your doorstep' directory lists over 80 dog-friendly, safe and sociable circular walks. All local woodlands, parks, meadows and riversides that have been set aside by local councils for fresh air and exercise, and as places where dogs can roam off-lead without disturbing wildlife. All entries have at least 1 hours free parking, many with dedicated car parks. Nearly all have poo bins and many have surfaced paths. They're well worth seeking out!

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Special protection

The entries in 'Greenspace on your doorstep' are part of a ground-breaking mitigation strategy to protect the wildlife and habitats of the internationally important Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. In the technical jargon they're called SANGs, or Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces. Our website and booklet are the only places that list them in one place, so we hope you find them useful.

Find out more about how you can make a difference at How can I help?

Greenspace on your doorstep
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