Leaflet downloads

Here’s a selection of our leaflets, all free to download. [Click on the image to open the leaflet, then click on download or print]

A leaflet about the Thames Basin Heaths, one of the most important wildlife sites in Europe. Leaflet includes a large foldout map.

Greenspace on your doorstep is a booklet listing local circular walks.

My pocket guide to heathland is an A6 booklet about heathland species, aimed at children but suitable for anyone.

A leaflet about walking dogs on MOD Land.

An update Countryside Code.






Advice about Dogs 'n' adders.

Stay calm, no harm. A leaflet about adders.

A leaflet from Surrey Fire Service with advice about wildfires.

Our Amazing Heathlands newsletter.

Heath Week 2024 flyer page 1







[Click on the thumbnails to open and download]


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